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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al- Baqarah (2)- Lesson (2)- Verses (1-2): The grace of the Quran
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Language is the honoring of Allah to the human, and it is a very high-class communication tool :

Dear Brother, ... we continue with the second lesson of “Surat Al-Baqarah”.

﴾ A. (Alef) L. (Lam) M. (Meem).(1) This Book -the Quran- in which Providence is the Guide, occasions no, doubt and represents the spirit of truth guiding into all truth; it guides those: who entertain the profound reverence dutiful to Allah(2) ﴿

Dear brother, the book is kept in its lines, and read over the ages. Also, The Quran is preserved in hearts, and it is mostly read. So, The Quran is kept in hearts, and the book is mostly written, hence, it is preserved in the lines; so, The Quran and the book are two names for one thing, and this reminds us of the saying of Allah, Almighty:

﴾ Al Rahman (1) Who taught man the Quran, and by its instrumentality has He imparted to him knowledge and wisdom (2) He created man and brought him into being (3) And He taught him the expression of his thoughts in words and intellectual acquaintance with, and perception of, fact and truth and good versus evil (4) ﴿


Eloquence is language, and language is the honoring of Allah to the human, and the communication tool between human beings; it is a high-class communication tool, with which the human expresses his feelings and ideas. Also, language is a social tool with which the person communicates with sh3er. If the language is only read, if it is only spoken, or if it is only heard, then, no culture would be transported from generation to another, and from nation to nation. Therefore, Allah, the Greatest, says:

﴾ «Read in the Name of Allah your Creator, Who created and brought everything, spiritual, animate and inanimate into being;» (1) He created man from a clinging organism – See introduction (2) Read : and realize that Allah, your Creator is most generous (3) He taught by the pen, (the main instrument of learning and knowledge, the instrument of authorship)(4) ﴿


Eloquence is one of the most characteristic features of the human :

Language is talking and listening, as well as writing and reading. When Allah enabled humans to write the language, and to read what is written, it meant that the knowledge, which is in humans’ hands, passed on from generation to another, from age to age, and by translation from nation to nation. For example, if there was no writing, then how would the knowledge of the famous interpreter “Imam al-Qurtobi” be preserved ? His knowledge would be lost by his death. When a scholar writes his knowledge in a book, then this book will be beneficial for those who come in his era, even though they did not meet him; also this book will be beneficial for those who came after him until the Day of Resurrection, and it will be beneficial for other nations through translation. So, the meaning of what Allah, the Greatest, said is:

﴾ Al Rahman (1) Who taught man the Quran, and by its instrumentality has He imparted to him knowledge and wisdom (2) He created man and brought him into being (3) And He taught him the expression of his thoughts in words and intellectual acquaintance with, and perception of, fact and truth and good versus evil (4) ﴿


Eloquence is one of the most characteristic features of the human, and it is the honoring of Allah to the human. Allah, Almighty, taught you how to speak, how to understand the words which sh3er speak; and Allah taught you how to write, and He taught you how to read what is written; therefore, the book is kept in the lines, and read over the ages; also, The Quran is preserved in hearts, and it is read with clear Arabic language.

The grace of “The Quran” upon the creatures is like the grace of Allah upon His creatures :

Dear brother… as for the word “ The Book”.

﴾ This Book -the Quran… (2) ﴿

The “Al” here is used for the pledge; it means that this book is distinguished from the books of people around the world from Adam until the Day of Resurrection. With any book that was written by a human, if you go to the largest library in the world, all of these books will be on one side of the balance, and The Quran is on the other. This is because it is the Words of Allah, and the grace of The Quran upon the creatures is like the grace of Allah upon His creatures. Therefore, this book is our obligatory book - it is the foundation of our happiness, it is our approach, it is our constitution, it is the strong rope of Allah, it is the straight path, and it is the clear light. Do not forget this statement: the grace of The Quran upon the creatures is like the grace of Allah upon His creatures.

You might have the greatest book in the world, but its author is a human; “the Quran”, however, comes from Allah, the Creator of the universes.

A British singer entered the famous library in Italy and saw The Quran. He asked the owner of the library: “Who is the author of this book?” The owner of the library raised his hand to the sky, and pointed to Allah, Almighty. The singer made fun of that word, and he bought the book to read it, to criticize it, and to chide the owner of the library for his claim. When he read the book, he believed in it, and left singing, and became an advocate for Islam, and bought up, with his vast fortune, all his recordings, which he then burned.
This is a Book of the Creator of the universes. This is our Book. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((The best of you is a person that learnt The Quran and taught it.))

[ Al Boukhari from Othman]

He is the best person of you at all.

The great jihad is to spread the Book of Allah, to explain it, to indicate it, and to make people carry it out :

Jihad is the pinnacle of Islam, the highest thing in Islam. Allah, Almighty, has called the spreading of The Book of Allah, indicating it to people, interpreting it, explaining it, and making people to carry it out, the great jihad. Allah, The Greatest, said:

﴾ Therefore, do not yield O Muhammad to the infidels and wage against them spiritual warfare by the divine means -the Quran- But should they wage war against you, then fight back by physical means (52) ﴿


The most unhappy person is he who came to this world, left it, and did not understand the Words of Allah.

﴾ This Book -the Quran… (2) ﴿

The “ Al” here is used for the pledge; it means: The Book of Allah. This book is distinct from the books of human beings as a whole. Every book on earth has right and the wrong, except The Quran which is sure and has no doubt in it. So, you will not find any letter in this book that is proved to be wrong, because The Quran is the Word of the Creator of human beings.

The Holy Quran is far from flaw, because it is the Word of the Creator of human beings :

I will tell you this: an author may be great, and maybe the information at the time when the book was written is clear; but, if you read the book after a hundred years, you will find a flaw. This book was revealed by Allah upon The Prophet, peace be upon him, fourteen centuries ago; and there have been scientific advancements in all kinds of science - in astronomy, in medicine, in continental science, in geology, and in history. Is there any definitive scientific fact that has shocked a Quranic verse? Impossible, because “The Quran” is the Word of the Creator of human beings, not the words of The Prophet, peace be upon Him.

For example: Allah, The Greatest, said:

﴾ And horses, … (8) ﴿

The horses are in front of The Prophet (PBUH) …

﴾ And horses, mules and asses did He create for you to ride and to use as an adornment, and He creates what is yet unknown to you (8) ﴿


There was no aircraft, there was no car, there was no helicopter, and there was no in spacecraft in the era of The Prophet (PBUH), but it is the speech of the Creator of the universe. He, The Greatest, says:

﴾ … and He creates what is yet unknown to you (8) ﴿


The one who travels in a plane and reads this verse finds that the aircraft is included in this verse, and he who drives a luxury vehicle and reads this verse finds that the vehicle is included in this verse, because The Quran is the Word of the Creator of human beings.

The one who understands the Words of the Creator of human beings, will be happy in the worldly life and in the Hereafter :

Allah, Glory be to Him, says :

﴾ «And proclaim pilgrimage to the people; they shall come to you on foot and mounted upon the back of every lean and exhausted beast of burden from every deep, distant and far away places» (27) ﴿


A person might wonder why Allah, Glory be to Him, did not say :

﴾ from every far places…﴿

The meaning is “the places are far”, but the earth is aspheric so that whenever you are remote from one of its points, the dimension becomes depth…

﴾ «And proclaim pilgrimage to the people; they shall come to you on foot and mounted upon the back of every lean and exhausted beast of burden from every deep, distant and far away places» (27) «They shall be eager to respond to your call to observe facts and events considered a source of knowledge (28) ﴿


This Book, The Quran, is different from any other book which is written by people. And, the most miserable person is he who has spent his life with books which were written by human beings, and he has spent his life in literature, in poetry, and in stories. All of these things are man-made, but if he understood the Words of the Creator of human beings, he would be happy in the worldly life and in the Hereafter.

The distinction of The Holy Quran from all the previous divine books :

Another thing …

﴾ This … (2) ﴿

The “ Al” here is used for the pledge; it means that this book is distinct from all the previous divine books. How? Allah entrusted people with the previous Holy Books with wisdom. And at that time, the miracle of the Prophet was different from the book which was revealed to him. The miracle of our Master “Jesus” is that He revived the dead, and the miracle of our Master “Mussa” is that He hit the sea, and then it dried up, as well as the snake and the stick.
So, the miracle of the Prophet was different from the book which was revealed to Him, and Allah entrusted people with the previous Holy Books.
The Quran, however, is differentiated from the Holy Books because Allah has taken to save it by Himself. He, Almighty, said:

﴾ We have sent down the Quran featuring the virtuous divine message of truth which shall never suffer eclipse nor shall its spiritual power ever be on the wane and its preservation against loss and corruption is indeed Our concern (9) ﴿


The Holy Quran is dominant over all the previous heavenly Books

Therefore, nobody can alter a single letter, or alter a grammatical formation, or put a verse in the place of another. Yet, the preservation of the Holy Quran by Allah, Almighty, does not mean that there no attempts are made to change it. Now, there are verses on the internet, and those who uploaded them claimed that they are part of “Surat-Al Baqarah”, number twenty-three , but they have no relation with the Quran at all. So, children can discover the falseness of those verses. And in another lesson, Allah willing, I’ll read for you these verses which were falsified by the enemies of the Religion who made these false words like verses from the Book of Allah, Almighty. If you read it in front of a Muslim child, he would discover that they are false claims and lies.

So, this Book, the Book of Allah, is distinguished from the other heavenly Books which Allah entrusted with His creatures in order to preserve them. Then, what happened?

﴾ … and willfully neglect a part of what was imparted to them…(13) ﴿


They changed and distorted to their own liking. Whereas a part of the previous heavenly Books were lost, the other part were distorted and altered; so, now they are not the Words of Allah. The previous heavenly Books were revealed upon specific people for a specific period, while The Quran is dominant over all of these heavenly Books .

﴾ He who adopts a system of faith and worship other than Islam simply bends on a system of faith and worships which does not have the standing upon the vantage ground of truth. Such a system of faith shall not be accepted from him… (85) ﴿

[Al Imran]

﴾ It aligns the course of action, of thought and of life of all concerned -Muslims- and non-Muslims whose religious practices are contingent upon man-made related aspects of the one religion whose unclouded and
authoritative front is Islam ..(9) ﴿


The Quran is the gatherer of all the heaven rules from the beginning of the messages until The Day of Resurrection :

So …

﴾ This Book -the Quran… (2) ﴿

This book which is distinguished from all the previous heavenly Books, and from all the books which human beings have written as a whole…

﴾ This Book -the Quran… (2) ﴿

Some scholars have said: The Quran is the gatherer of all the heaven rules from the beginning of the messages until The Day of Resurrection. This Book, The Quran, is not only for the Arab Nation, and not only for Muslims, but it is sent for all human beings. Allah, himself .. alone .. has preserved The Quran. The scholars add to keeping the Book of Allah, Glory be to Him, the preservation of The Prophet’s “Sunnah”, peace be upon Him, because the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) reveals The Quran; because, if the original was lost, the interpretation would be lost. So, if you say: Allah has undertaken the preservation of The Quran, it means that He, Almighty, has also undertaken the preservation of the “Sunnah” of His Messenger, peace be upon him. How did Allah, Almighty, do that? He did it through scholars who Allah has given a very high capacity so that they examined closely, they delved, they checked, and they preserved the correct Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) .

Allah, Glory be to Him, has undertaken by Himself the preservation of the Holy Quran :

Allah, The Almighty, assures us that The Quran will never (never here is used for making the negative eternal), have any distortion or alteration which will reach The Quran. Therefore, He said :

﴾ This Book -the Quran- in which Providence is the Guide, occasions no, doubt and represents the spirit of truth guiding into all truth… (2) ﴿

If you read The Quran, you cannot have the slightest doubt that any word does not belong to it. The Book which was revealed to The Prophet, peace be upon him, is the same one that we have nowadays, with all its chapters, with all its verses, with all its words, and with all its grammar formation…

﴾ This Book -the Quran- in which Providence is the Guide, occasions no, doubt and represents the spirit of truth guiding into all truth… (2) ﴿

Because Allah, by Himself, has undertaken the preservation of The Holy Quran, no change can occur in it. This does not mean, however, that attempts are not being made to change it. It began with “Mosaylimah the liar”, and if you read what he wrote, you would laugh so much.

Some types of the miracles in The Holy Quran :

1- The informatory miracles :

Dear Brother ... One might ask: What is the way to believe that this Quran is from Allah, The Creator of the universes? The way is a single word: its miraculous. All the human beings as a whole till the Day of Resurrection cannot make one verse like it at all. So, this Book, The Quran, is miraculous; The miracle is that the human beings are unable to produce a book like The Quran.
First, the Quran has the informatory miracles …

﴾ … You were not present at their meeting when they cast lots using their quills and arrows to see which of them would be the foster father to Maryam. Nor were you present when they quarreled about the point in question (44) ﴿


“You were not present at their meeting …”. The Quran has mentioned verses that illustrate and clarify human history with an utmost exactness; for example, in Egypt there were the Pharaohs, but during the Pharaohs’ rule, there was a short era in which Egypt was ruled by kings, and the Governor who had lived at the time of The Prophet “Yusuf” was mentioned in The Quran as a king. Allah said:

﴾ There and then did the king command that Yusuf be brought to him… (54) ﴿


But the Governor who lived at the time of The Prophet “Mussa” was a Pharaoh:

﴾ Then, Pharaoh made a public declaration and caused it to be proclaimed through out all his cities: «Am I not», he said, «the sole sovereign of this land, and the dominion of Egypt belongs to me …(51) ﴿


There is a superior exactness, because these stories were named by the scholars one of the informatory miracles of The Quran. Allah, The Greatest, said :

﴾ The Romans -Christians- have been defeated (by the Persians) - Atheists- (2) in the land near by - (the near end of the Roman Empire, Syria). but the tide of battle shall turn and following their defeat shall victory and fortune sit on their helm (3) in some few years from hence (4) ﴿


The informatory miracles of The Quran deal with the past, the present, and the future:

The informatory miracles of The Quran deal with the past, the present, and the future. The story of Pharaoh and our Master Mussa, the story of our Master Yusuf and the king of Egypt, and the stories of “A’ad” and “Thamoud” which were mentioned in vast detail and with superior exactness, we call them “the miracles of past information”. In The Holy Quran there is information on the far present of The Messenger of Allah. Also in The Holy Quran there is an informatory miracle of the future.
Allah, The Greatest, said :

﴾ The Romans -Christians- have been defeated (by the Persians) - Atheists- (2) in the land near by - (the near end of the Roman Empire, Syria). but the tide of battle shall turn and following their defeat shall victory and fortune sit on their helm (3) in some few years from hence (4) ﴿


And actually, within a few years which are more than three and less than nine, the Roman defeated the Persians at the bottom of the earth. Some scholars of the interpretation have said: it means at the lowest point of the earth, and no one had known until decades ago that the Palestinian Valley is the lowest point on the earth. It was only known after the discovery of lasers that the Palestinian Valley is the lowest point on the earth, and from a historical view, the battle took place in the Valley of Palestine. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ The Romans -Christians- have been defeated (by the Persians) - Atheists- (2) in the land near by - (the near end of the Roman Empire, Syria). but the tide of battle shall turn and following their defeat shall victory and fortune sit on their helm (3) in some few years from hence (4) ﴿


In the Holy Quran there are informatory miracles,: miracles of the past, of the present, and of the future.

2- The scientific miracles :

In the Holy Quran there are scientific miracles. For example, nowadays, physicists have discovered that each element in the earth, without exception, consists of atoms. In the atom there is a nucleus, around the nucleus there are orbits, and there are electrifications on the orbits.
Allah, The Greatest, says :

﴾ …and each describes its own orbit (40) ﴿


Another example: it was discovered that the gender of the baby, whether it is male or female, can be specified by the sperm, not by the female seed, and the female seed is not responsible for specifying the gender of the baby.
Allah, The Greatest, says :

﴾ And that it is He Who created the two sex divisions of organic beings and distinguished them as male and female (45) And that He derived these two sex divisions of organic beings from the male seed (Notfa) when emitted (46)


Another example: the earth is a sphere.

﴾ And you see the mountains you think they are motionless while in fact they move as fast as the clouds -when driven by the wind- ;this is the work of Allah who excelled everything He created. He is 'Alimun of all that you do (88)﴿


The earth rotates, and the mountains, which pass like the passing of the clouds, move about thirty kilometers per second; and in every second the earth moves in its cycle around the sun about thirty kilometers. Also, the earth moves in every minute about one thousand and eight hundreds kilometers, and it covers in ten minutes about eighteen thousand kilometers. We have covered about twenty thousand kilometers from the beginning of the lesson and till now ..

﴾ And you see the mountains you think they are motionless while in fact they move as fast as the clouds -when driven by the wind- …(88)﴿


The scientific miracles in the Holy Quran :

Since Allah created the earth and all the creatures, until a few decades ago, it was speculated that the sun is stationary, and the planets revolve around it, or at least the solar system revolves around the sun. Then it was discovered that the sun runs. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ And the sun runs its course and describes its orbit, sited in a settled position, belonging, as determined by AL-Aziz, AL-'Alim (38) ﴿


This is also a scientific miracle in the Holy Quran; there were no planes, no rockets, and no balloons in the era of The Prophet, peace be upon Him.
Allah, Almighty, says :

﴾ … But he whom Allah decides to leave to his evil thoughts, He tightens his reins in despair and tightens his chest so as to be rendered impervious to a breath of spiritual knowledge; a feeling similar to that he experiences if he were climbing skywards to high altitudes … (125) ﴿

[Al-Ana ‘am]

You see the clouds as a white ceiling, but if you board an aircraft you will see the clouds from your place like mountains, valleys, uplands, and flatlands… the complete relief of the land. This was mentioned in the Holy Quran; of course I give examples. The scientific miracles in the Holy Quran has became an area of expertise, and it is named “The scientific miracles in the Holy Quran”. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ By the heaven and what it returns of condensed water vapour as rain and what it reflects of the various kinds of waves (11) ﴿


Scientists had long been aware that steam ascends to heaven, and then it comes down as rain. This explanation is commensurate with the requirements of that era. Then they discovered that electromagnetic waves ascend to heaven, and then the layer of air drives them away; this layer of air which turns the broadcast is responsible for the radio waves or the transition of an image across space…

﴾ By the heaven and what it returns of condensed water vapour as rain and what it reflects of the various kinds of waves (11) ﴿


Then scientists discovered that each planet in the universe moves in a closed orbit, and the meaning of the closed orbit is that the planet returns to its point of departure after a while. So, the combined, comprehensive, interesting characteristic of all the universe is that the sky returns …

﴾ By the heaven and what it returns of condensed water vapor as rain and what it reflects of the various kinds of waves (11) ﴿


3- The rhetorical miracles:

The way to believe that the Quran is the Words of Allah is the miracles: the informatory miracles, the scientific miracles, and the rhetorical miracles…

﴾ There is not one single creature domiciled on earth but derives its sustenance from Allah… (6) ﴿


If you omit “from” then the word is not Quran, because “from” is used for the engrossment of the individuals of the type; and if you omit “there is not” and “but”, then it will not be the Quran, because the negation and the exception are used in Arabic language for confining and restricting. Therefore, if we omitted the negation and the exception, we would omit the restriction; on the other hand if you omit “on”, then it become .. “there is no beast but Allah bestows it” ... This sentence is not Quran, because the omitting of “on” has deleted the self compulsion of Allah, Glory be to Him. Also, if you said: “The beasts”, by the presence of “the of pledge” the meaning is limited, or if you said: “some of the beasts, or the domestic beasts”… etc, then you would also make the meaning limited. But when you say “Beasts” it is indefinite, a comprehensive indefinite.
You may meditate on a verse which is considered a rhetorically miraculous verse - you will find an exception, a restriction, confining, placement, and delaying. Allah, The Greatest, says:

﴾ It is You and You alone Whom we worship…(5) ﴿


If you said: “We worship You” … does the meaning vary? The meaning varies greatly, because when you say: “We worship You, O Lord” it means that “I do not mind if I worship someone else with You”. But if you say:

﴾ It is You and You alone Whom we worship…(5) ﴿


you have placed “It is You and You alone” before the verb, and that means: “We do not worship anybody, but You…”

﴾ And with Him are kept the keys serving to open up, disclose and explain the unknown, the mysterious and the obscure which no one knows but Him...(59) ﴿

[Al-An’ am]

If Allah had said: “The keys of the unknown are with Him”, it would mean that Allah, and anybody else could have them, but when the word “with Him” came before “the keys of the unknown”, then the meaning became exclusive. This topic is too long: the scientific miracles are too long and need months to be explained; the rhetorical miracles need months to be explained; the historical miracles, the informatory miracles, and the miracles of versification - all of them are amazing.

So, Dear Brother ... the way to faith in this book “The Quran” is the miracles.

Any act of Allah’s deeds is a testimony of Him to us that the Quran is the Word of Allah :

There is something else… Allah, who revealed the Quran, attested to us that the Quran is His word. How does Allah attest that the Quran is His word ? Through exegesis which means: the occurrence of the promise and the threat. That is, when Allah wipes out the money of the usurer, then the eradication of the usurer’s money is Allah’s testimony to this usurer of His Word :

﴾ And if you do not obey this rule of righteous life commanded by religion, nor fearing for your unlawful gain, then you must expect war between belief against unbelief waged against you by Allah and His Prophet … (279) ﴿


It is Allah’s Word. The eradication of the usurer’s money is Allah’s testimony to this usurer that this Quran is the Word of Allah. For the young man who believes in Allah, performs good deeds, and lives a good life, this good life which the young man lives is the testimony of Allah to him that the Quran is the Word of Allah. Also, when you spend your money in charity, and then your money increases, your increasing money is a testimony of Allah to you that the Quran is the Word of Allah, Almighty ..

﴾ Allah denounces usury but repays charitable acts generously… (276) ﴿


Any act of Allah’s deeds is the testimony of Him to us that the Quran is the Word of Allah…

﴾ And were it not that Allah represses some people by sh3er … (40) ﴿


There is a balance of power in the world:

﴾ …monasteries, churches, synagogues oratories anal mosques, where He is much remembered and His glorious attributes extolled would have been demolished and reduced to a useless form… (40) ﴿


When this balance is eliminated, people have suffered so much. The balance between the forces of the earth was a great blessing of Allah. We ignored this blessing, and then we knew it by its absence. The balance was a great blessing of Allah,

﴾ And were it not that Allah represses some people by sh3er ﴿

the balance of powers, east and west. But when this balance was upset, and became a single force, we lost this blessing. O Allah make us know Your blessings by their abundance not by their absence.

It is necessary to know the blessings, either by their abundance, or by their demise.

The Quran is the Word of Allah, His strong rope, and the protocol for the worlds :

Another thing… The Quran is the Word of Allah, the strong rope, the straight path, the method of the Lord of the worlds, the emerged light, a richness with no poverty after it, and no richness before it. If a person was given the blessing of understanding and explanation of The Quran, and he saw that someone was given something better than him, then he has degraded that which what Allah, Almighty, lauded. The people of the Quran are the people of Allah; when you come to the mosque to learn the Word of Allah, nothing in your life is superior to that purpose – nothing. It is a thousand times than a university test which your future is based on, for you are recognizing the Word of Allah, the way of Allah - to do and not to do, lawful or unlawful. Therefore, Allah, Almighty says :

﴾ Praise is to Allah Who created the heavens and the earth…(1) ﴿

[Al-An’ aam]

We praise Allah for creating the universe, and at the same level :

﴾ Praise be to Allah Who sent down to His servant the Book -the Quran…(1) ﴿


It means that the universe as a whole is on one side of a scale, and the Quran is on the other. The universe is the creation of Allah and the Quran is the Word of Allah. The creation of the universe is meaningless if there is no method to follow. This meaning becomes more obvious by the saying of Allah, The Greatest :

﴾ Al Rahman (1) Who taught man the Quran, and by its instrumentality has He imparted to him knowledge and wisdom (2) He created man and brought him into being (3) ﴿


The arrangement of teaching the Quran in comparison with human creation is a special order, not a chronological order:

O Allah, how can You teach the Quran to the human before You created Him ?
That is not the meaning…

﴾ Al Rahman (1) Who taught man the Quran, and by its instrumentality has He imparted to him knowledge and wisdom (2) He created man and brought him into being (3) ﴿


The meaning is that the arrangement of teaching the Quran in comparison with human creation is a special order, not a chronological order, in the sense that human existence is meaningless without an approach to follow it. Look at some nations. What does one of the nations in India worship? All the individuals in this Indian nation worship the cows; another group of people worship the rats, and I have a scientific investigation from a very respectable magazine with incredible pictures of a very large temple ... and the gods of this temple are the rats; therefore, Allah, The Greatest, says :

﴾ Praise be to Allah Who sent down to His servant the Book -the Quran…(1) ﴿


We worship Allah, Glory be to Him. We worship the Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who owns everything. We worship Allah to Whom all matters are referred. We worship Allah, who if He says to anything, “Be!”, then it will be. We worship The Most Strong, we worship The Self-Sufficient, we worship Allah Who has the Beautiful Names, and the excellent characteristics.

The great blessings which Allah, Glory be to Him, bestowed upon the human :

Therefore, one of the greatest blessings, which ranks second after the blessing of existence, is the blessing of the right guidance. There are three great blessings: the blessing of existence, the blessing of sustenance, and the blessing of the right guidance. The next verse emphasizes this meaning :

﴾ Praise be to Allah Who sent down to His servant the Book -the Quran…(1) ﴿


In order to rest assured that The Quran which you have now is the same one that was revealed upon The Prophet, peace be upon Him, without addition or diminution, Allah, the Greatest, said:

﴾ And reauthor O Muhammad what has been inspired to you of the Book -the Quran- of Allah, your Creator, Whose words no one nor any expedient or any power can alter … (27) ﴿


The Quran does not replace, it does not change, it will never be distorted, it is never added to or deleted from. Allah, Himself, has undertaken the preservation of the Quran ..

﴾ And reauthor O Muhammad what has been inspired to you of the Book -the Quran- of Allah, your Creator, Whose words no one nor any expedient or any power can alter … (27) ﴿


Allah, The Greatest, called the human to believe in Him voluntarily, so that the human’s faith is optional not coercive :

Whenever your faith is voluntary, you advance with it. If Allah wanted us to believe in Him forcibly, then He, Almighty, could do that; but the forcible faith would not make us happy. If Allah wanted us to believe in this Quran forcibly, He could do that, but this forcible belief would not make us happy. Allah, The Greatest, says addressing His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) :

﴾ Seemingly, O Muhammad you are betaking yourself in pursuit of their -the infidels- train of thought with distress, constant regret and discontent and torturing yourself lest they should refuse credit to this divine message (3) If We will, We could easily send down to them from heaven a physical sign revealing to them Our Omnipotence and Authority, a sign to which they will have to bend their necks in subjugation and submission (4) ﴿


But Allah called us to believe in Him voluntarily, in order to progress with this belief, and so it could be optional belief not coercive:

﴾ Compulsion is incompatible with religion, therefore let there be no compulsion in religion … (256) ﴿


“I swear by the location of the stars” : A verse shows the miraculousness of Allah, Glory be to Him, in His Quran :

Our Lord, Glory be to Him, swears, in order to have mercy on us, and says :

﴾ I swear by the location of the stars (75) ﴿


Only one who has learnt astronomy knows the meaning of this verse…
One year and a half ago, a Global News Station broadcasted on the news that a galaxy was discovered which is about three hundred thousand billion light-years far away from us. And the nearest shining star is about four light-years away from the earth. If you calculate how much four light- years are, you find: (three hundred thousand kilometers per second×60 per minute, × 60 per hour,× 24 per day, × 365per year, × 4 years; then the result is divided by one hundred). For example, we have a car, and we want to go to this planet, and the speed is about one hundred kilometers per hour. Then divide that figure by 24 hours in order to know the number of the days, then divided that figure by 365 and then you’ll find that you need in order to get to the nearest shining star about fifty million years, and you can make this account in the evening. You’ll find that you need to drive for fifty million years to reach the nearest shining star to the Earth. The last discovered galaxy is three hundreds billion, or three hundred thousand thousand million light-years away. Allah, Almighty, said:

﴾ I swear by the location of the stars (75) And it is an asseveration of immense magnitude if only you knew (76) ﴿


Then, what is the answer to this oath?

﴾ That: the wording revealed to Our Messenger is but a distinguished Book, worthy of honor and entitled to respect, esteem and reverence (77) ﴿


The answer to this oath is: “That is my Word, O My worshipers”.

The demise of the universe is easier for Allah than to not fulfill His promise to the believers :

Two days ago, I mentioned at the beginning of a ceremony that the demise of the universe is easier for Allah than to not fulfill His promise to the believers :

﴾ Allah has promised those who have conformed to His system of faith and worship and imprinted their deeds with wisdom and piety a reward, «I shall depute them on earth», He declares «and delegate them to keep the scale and commission them with power to maintain the right», I shall set them in the appropriate social scale just as I deputed those before them in whose hearts reigned piety»… (55) ﴿


Where is the succession?

﴾… «And I will confirm for them the religion I have chosen for them as the appropriate system of faith and worship»… (55) ﴿


Where is the confirmation?

﴾… «I will also exchange the fear and the dread which fell upon them for peace of mind and soul … (55) ﴿


Where is the security?

﴾ Indeed, Allah defends those whose hearts are imprinted with the image of religious and spiritual virtues… (38) ﴿


Where is the defense?

﴾ …and never shall Allah advantage the cause of the infidels over that of the Muslims. (141) ﴿


The infidels have so many ways over us…

﴾…if you intend to direct your minds and thoughts to striving in the cause of Allah and to make His purpose the heart of your purpose, He will help you defend your final cause… (7) ﴿


Where is the victory? The demise of the universe is easier for Allah than to not fulfill His promise to the believers.

The wasting of the prayer and the following of desires make the human far from Allah, Almighty :

But :

﴾ (Pitifully) they were followed by generations who neglected the act of worship, and lusted after the worthless, and in vanity they wasted their days. But as there came the day to those of old, the day will come to those of today and shall come to those-to-come when they shall taste the evil consequence here, and worse shall it be Hereafter (59) ﴿


It is five o'clock in the morning, time for the night prayers, praise be to Allah!!
Or, one can spend the night watching dingy channels, not flying with Allah, Almighty through prayer ..

﴾they shall taste the evil consequence here, and worse shall it be Hereafter (59) ﴿


That is the answer, therefore :

﴾ I swear by the location of the stars (75) And it is an asseveration of immense magnitude if only you knew (76) That: the wording revealed to Our Messenger is but a distinguished Book, worthy of honor and entitled to respect, esteem and reverence (77) ﴿


The grace of the Holy Quran :

If a person knows the value of this Quran, he does not sleep at night, he does not miss any lesson of the Quran interpretation. The Word of Allah is our constitution, our approach, the obvious light of Allah, His straight path, and the strong rope of Allah. It is prosperity and it is glory.

All of you know, if a scholar was superior in the Holy Quran and he dies, the world is thrilled for him; he died and took everything with him, he took all the welfare with him. In the worldly life when people die, they leave everything.

Those who knew Allah, who spent their lives calling people to worship Him, they will take all the welfare with them. Through the Quran, Allah raises people. Learn the Quran and teach it, and understood its rules, then teach them to your sons. Bring your sons up with the Quran, and with the love of your Prophet (PBUH), and the love of His noble Companions.

﴾ Is it so exceptional in peoples' sight to a degree exciting their wonder and astonishment that We inspire one of them with such divine knowledge...(2) ﴿


Most of the enemies of the religion question whether this Quran was brought by human being; but you, who are doubting the Quran, isn’t the Prophet that you are pursuing, a human being?

﴾ Is it so exceptional in peoples' sight to a degree exciting their wonder and astonishment that We inspire one of them with such divine knowledge to warn them and warn all people of the danger of denying Allah, and to announce blissful tidings to those of them who have recognized Him… ...(2) ﴿


That is the rule of Allah in His creatures; Allah has revealed the Quran upon The Master of the creatures, and the beloved of Allah, The Truthful. Allah has revealed the Quran upon the trustworthy of the heaven’s revelation…

﴾ A. (Alef), L. (Lam), R. (Raa), It is a Book whose verses are exact and precise, expressed in proper words in their proper places. It distinctly expresses all that is meant, leaving nothing merely implied, and textually, it expounds all the statutes decreed by Allah, AL-Hakim (the Wise) and AL-Khabir (the Omniscient).(1) ﴿


The worshiping of Allah is the whole intent of the Quran :

The summary of this Book is one word: do not worship anybody but Allah:

﴾ A. (Alef), L. (Lam), R. (Raa), It is a Book whose verses are exact and precise, expressed in proper words in their proper places. It distinctly expresses all that is meant, leaving nothing merely implied, and textually, it expounds all the statutes decreed by Allah, AL-Hakim (the Wise) and AL-Khabir (the Omniscient).(1) «Never worship you people, anyone but Allah. I am delegated by Him to warn you and give you a cautionary advice regarding your system of faith and to announce to you joyful tidings if you should turn to Allah and lift to Him your inward sight(2) ﴿


﴾ Say to them O Muhammad: «I am only a mortal like you, but I am prompted by Allah to impart to you the knowledge inspired to me. It emphasizes that your Allah is One and only, the Creator of the whole and of all in all» (110) ﴿


The intent of all the Quran:

﴾ your Allah is One and only (110) ﴿


This verse is a summarization, in which Allah summarizes all the Quran for us.

﴾ Say to them O Muhammad: «I am only a mortal like you, but I am prompted by Allah to impart to you the knowledge inspired to me. It emphasizes that your Allah is One and only, the Creator of the whole and of all in all». «Therefore, he who acknowledges Resurrection and Judgment and hopes to be welcomed in Allah's heavenly realm and be a recipient of His mercy and blessings will have to imprint his deeds with wisdom and piety…» (110) ﴿


Allah will put assurance, security, and happiness in the heart of a person who does righteous deeds,

You may wait for many years, and you will not meet a king, but Allah, the King of the kings, says to you :

﴾ …«Therefore, he who acknowledges Resurrection and Judgment and hopes to be welcomed in Allah's heavenly realm and be a recipient of His mercy and blessings will have to imprint his deeds with wisdom and piety…» (110) ﴿


The price of the meeting is a righteous deed. Make your act righteous and you’ll be with Allah. You also find Allah in the worldly life before the hereafter. He will illuminate His lights upon you, He will give you His manifestations, fill your heart with assurance and security, happiness and satisfaction.

Our Master “Abu Bakr Al-Siddeeq” received an appeal for aid from one of his commanders in Persia, in Nahawand city. The Muslim army was thirty thousand men, and the enemies were one hundred and thirty thousand. Our Master “Khalid” sent for our Master “Al-Siddeeq” and asked him for help. After a while the help came - it could be nothing less than thirty thousand or fifty thousand or seventy thousand, in addition to the existing army. But the help was only a single man named “Al-Qa’qaa”. When he arrived to the battle land, our Master Khalid said to him: “Where is the help?”
Al-Qa’qaa said to him: “Me! I have this letter, read it!!”
Khalid opened the letter and read: “From the worshiper of Allah Abu Bakr to Khalid bin Al-Walid, I praise Allah for you. O Khalid do not be astonished that I have sent one fighter to you; and I swear by Allah Who sent Muhammad (PBUH) with the Truth, that the army which has Al- Qa’qaa is unbeatable”.
The army defeated the enemy and “Al- Qa’qaa” was one of the fighters. The Quran makes the hero, the Quran makes you as a thousand men, the Quran makes you as a hundred thousand men, although you are just one. All of these are facts.

Monotheism is the intent of the Holy Quran :

Therefore :

﴾ A. (Alef), L. (Lam), R. (Raa), It is a Book whose verses are exact and precise, expressed in proper words in their proper places. It distinctly expresses all that is meant, leaving nothing merely implied, and textually, it expounds all the statutes decreed by Allah, AL-Hakim (the Wise) and AL-Khabir (the Omniscient).(1) «Never worship you people, anyone but Allah. I am delegated by Him to warn you and give you a cautionary advice regarding your system of faith and to announce to you joyful tidings if you should turn to Allah and lift to Him your inward sight(2) ﴿


The intent of all of the Quran is :

﴾ «Never worship you people, anyone but Allah…(2) ﴿


More specifically, the intent of the call of all The Prophets, from the first to the last, is monotheism…

﴾ Nor did We send a Messenger before you O Muhammad but We inspired him with the truth clearly indicating that there is no Ilah but I the Creator, therefore worship Me and adore Me with appropriate acts and rites and regard Me with extreme devotion (25) ﴿


The stories of the Holy Quran are the best stories :

Now, there is no library on the earth but it has the stories in it. Sometimes these books are called uncovered literature, and sometimes they are called factual literature. So, the human who is far from Allah is in the mud - the human is fallen, the human is lustful, the human is a traitor, the human is selfish, and the human is arrogant. Allah, Almighty, says:

﴾ We relate to you O Muhammad a most engaging story thought and felt in superlatives…(3) ﴿


Read the story of The Prophet “Yusuf”, and you will be sublime - a principled person, a charming high-class woman called Him to an immortal act, then He said:

﴾ …I fear Allah, Creator of the worlds» (28) ﴿


The Prophet “Yusuf” was a slave, then He became a king, because of His obedience to Allah. The Prophet “Mussa” stood by the truth, and He didn’t care :

﴾… Mussa cuffed him with the fists and the man dropped dead… (15) ﴿


“Mussa” left Egypt, and He was scared and expectant; then He came to The Prophet “Shuaeib”, and married his daughter. After, He went back to Pharaoh as a Messenger:

﴾ We inspired Mussa's mother, thus: «Breast feed him until you feel that fear falls upon you for his life, then put him in a chest and cast him into the river.. (7) ﴿


﴾… and do not be afraid nor grieve at heart. We will restore him to you and confer on him the prerogative of Apostleship» (7) ﴿


That is the Holy Quran. Pharaoh’s wife “Asia” is an ideal for all the women. She shows that the faith of the woman is independent of her husband. Most dissolute women say: “ My husband wants me to do so”.
O woman, you’ll be asked, alone, about your faith, because : “There shall be no obedience for a creature, if you will disobey the creator”.

Do you know Pharaoh? Pharaoh was mighty and a tyrant, but he could not force his wife to believe in him…

﴾ And Allah authors an example of those who live in an atmosphere of wickedness but with divine standards: Pharaoh's wife who invoked Allah: «My Creator», she said, «I pray and beseech You to provide me with a dwelling in your heaven's realm and to rescue me from Pharaoh and his tyranny and oppression and from those who do not observe the principles of justice and fair dealing»(11) ﴿


The stories of the Holy Quran cover all the conditions which are experienced by the human beings :

Dear brother, there are stories in the Quran. If someone read the story of the Prophet “Nuh”, and he has a bad son, then his heart will fill with redress.
Also, he who reads the story of The Prophet “Ibrahim”, and has a bad father:

﴾ «O father», he continued, «I am a recipient of divine knowledge imparted to me and not imparted to you. Should you follow Me. I will guide you to the path of righteousness, the path of Allah » (43) ﴿


And he who has a bad wife, be patient with her…

﴾ Allah authors an example of those who live with false standards in an ads' atmosphere of piety: the wife of Nuh (Noah) and that of Lut (Lot). They were the two mates who lived their wifehood under two of Our devout worshippers (10) ﴿


And for the woman who has a wicked husband, then Pharaoh’s wife is a good example for her…

﴾…«My Creator», she said, «I pray and beseech You to provide me with a dwelling in your heaven's realm and to rescue me from Pharaoh and his tyranny and oppression… (11) ﴿


The person who occupies a high position in the society can be righteous, as the story of “Tho Al-Quarnayn” shows; he was enabled in his land by Allah, and he was a great righteous believer. Also, the person who cannot have children – like the Prophet “Zakariya”. And if a person is unjustly imprisoned- like the Prophet “Yusuf”. A kind Prophet entered prison; sometimes, jail is not a disgrace for the human.

If you read the Quran you will find that every story is a remedy. If a human suffers from an injustice, our Master “Yusuf” is a good example for him.
If there is a pure and chaste woman, but people talk badly about her reputation and all their talk is false, she can consider “Ms. Aisha” a good example. It is as if the stories of the Quran cover all the conditions…

﴾ We relate to you O Muhammad a most engaging story thought and felt in superlatives…(3) ﴿


The Quranic verses give the human an inborn faith :

However, if you read these verses:

﴾ Allah, the Omnipotent, is He Who raised the heavens with its spheres lying above or outside of each other inlaid with heavenly bodies superstructures that are kept aloft without pillars or visible means* of support that you people can see, then set He Himself on the Throne of Supremacy and dominion, of grace and mercy, and reduced the sun** and the moon to a state of subserviency… (2) ﴿


Can any human beings claim that? But this is the Word of Allah, Almighty. It is instinctual if you read this verse :

﴾ Allah, the Omnipotent, is He Who raised the heavens with its spheres lying above or outside of each other inlaid with heavenly bodies superstructures that are kept aloft without pillars…… (2) ﴿


Can any human beings claim that? These verses give you an inborn faith, and this Quran, after all, is:

﴾ A. (Alef), L. (Lam), R. (Raa), A Book -the Quran- the Source of enlightenment - We have revealed it to you O Muhammad to guide people into all truth and to lead them, Allah willing, out of darkness… (1) ﴿


The infidel is in darkness, in layers of darkness that are laid one over the other. On the other hand, if the believer reauthors the Quran, he will become aware of his Lord, and he will be in the light of Allah, Almighty. Some people said: “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. He, Almighty, lighted them with the Holy Quran- He explained and clarified.

The best moral of the human as a whole is to acquire the manners of the Holy Quran :

Read the Quran to know that you are the first creature. Read the Quran to know that this worldly life is playing, distraction, and embellishment, but the Hereafter is the home of the resolution. Read the Quran to know that the righteous work is your capital in the worldly life. Read the Quran to learn that the highest moral as a whole is to acquire the manners of the Quran. Ms. Aisha was asked about the ethics of the Messenger of Allah. She said: “His character was the Quran”. Hence, if you read the Quran, and reauthor it as it must be reauthord, understand its verses, manage them, and implement its rules, then you’ll be happy in the worldly life and the Hereafter. You were in the dark of farness and ignorance, then you moved into the light of insight and knowledge, and the supplication: “O Allah, take us away from the darkness of ignorance and delusion, to the lights of knowledge and insight; and from the mires of desires, to the heavens of deeds”.

So, today :

﴾ This Book -the Quran…(2) ﴿

And, Allah willing, in the next lesson we will continue Allah, the Greatest’s saying :

﴾…in which Providence is the Guide, occasions no, doubt and represents the spirit of truth guiding into all truth; it guides those: who entertain the profound reverence dutiful to Allah (2) ﴿

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